25 Jul, 2022 | Life Products and Features

See what MAC cosmetics and Bookings Africa have been up to…

If you want to talk about makeup authorities worldwide, both for professionals and consumers, MAC cosmetics stands in the top three. Mac Cosmetics is notable worldwide and locally and has extended to the shores of Africa. MAC cosmetics used influencer marketing agencies to penetrate the African market successfully, and Bookings Africa is one of them. Our partnership with this outstanding brand has led to the unveiling of many exciting products which are accepted in Africa and beyond. The recent expansion we worked on was on Re-think pink for makeup enthusiasts and agencies. The redefining pink project targeted breaking the popular norm of red valentine and accentuating pink in its place. Who says pink can't be romantic? Re-think pink has shown us how fabulous pink tones can be. The exciting part about this project is Bookings Africa's involvement in showcasing this fav lip shades to Africans. Bookings Africa helped with the campaign of this project, and we provided top influencers like Kaylah Oniwo. Kaylah showed lipstick lovers how great pink shades would look good on any outfit. She understood the brand's voice and interpreted it in a way MAC cosmetics consumers could better relate to. What not to love about this re-think pink project? The shades? The tones? The great price? The benefits? Whatever lipstick shades from these lists of pink will go well for any look or occasion. You can rock it for a romantic dinner or use a neutral tone for your everyday look.  If you ever thought MAC cosmetics does well with producing red lipstick, you can be sure this new pink redefinition will be a boom. See what it looks like on any of our influencers and select your best look today.