15 May, 2022 | All Guides

Make Money as a Bookings Africa Digital Influencer

Unlike celebrities, influencers/influencing is one of the fastest-growing professions in the 21st century. If your goal is to become an influencer in 2022, you need to be armed with the resources to launch you to success.

In your quest for financial freedom, be sure to explore all options available and influencing is one of the ways to financial freedom. 

Influencer as the word implies refers to an individual who can convince a set of people to like a service, product, or person without sounding like a salesman. Influencer marketing is the newbie digital marketing method that is making a lot of waves in such a short while. 

Once an influencer has a large and loyal following, can sway people’s decision-making process, and is known as an industry leader, brands and businesses are willing to pay their rates to grow their businesses. 

Now, you might ask, "How much do influencers make?". Influencer marketing industry grew from $1.7 billion in 2016 to $9.7 billion in 2020. In 2021, it soared to $13.8 billion and has reached $16.4 billion in 2022. This is an indication of steady growth and it will only keep growing as the world keeps growing digitally and advancing in technology. In fact, our Bookings Africa top influencer spoke about this here.

Ways to Become a Digital Influencer

Here a few ways to kickstart your journey as a social media influencer:

1. Pick a niche: In Influencer marketing, niching is a big deal. You can decide to influence in two or more related industries but brands interested in working with you must know you for a particular niche. 

For instance, you can decide to become a beauty and fashion influencer (this is one of the top influencer jobs). Your branding or social media posts can revolve around hair tutorials, make-up hacks, and fashion tips. Alongside beauty influencing, you can also add a few lifestyle posts. These two industries: beauty & fashion and lifestyle, are closely related and do not have so much disparity. 

Niching is important because it helps your visibility. It assures your potential partners and collaborators that you know your stuff and it establishes your position as an industry leader. If you are just starting as an influencer, take some time to learn about industries, then find one that matches your skills and gifts. If you already started without having this knowledge, it’s okay to start over or rebrand from where you are.


2. Start Branding: You’ve picked your niche. The next thing is to start building your brand. This will involve you creating clean, crisp content regularly and posting it on your feed. In this digital age, videos reach a wider audience so you might want to infuse lots of high-quality videos on your page. 

At the stage of branding, you should decide what your brand tone and voice would be. Be intentional about being authentic and real because if you start a brand in a certain way, then you have to maintain it. 

Tip: No one likes fake people so be yourself every time. 


3. Build a community: Since influencer marketing is big on loyalty and numbers, you should be focused on building a community. Your community is your tribe. You build one by responding to DMs and comments as respectfully and as often as you can. 

People like to be acknowledged. So if your content is relatable and speaks to your audience’s gain and pain points, they’ll appreciate you. Influencers are known for adding value to the lives of their communities so ensure that your posts are interactive and engaging.

Talking about engagements, most brands will only work with influencers who have a high engagement. So ensure that you can notice the active contributors in your community. A fair engagement rate for an influencer is between 6-7%. Any percentage above 10 is considered to be viral. Use influencer engagement tools to calculate your rates frequently.


4. Networking: The world is a global village and you never know who views your content. As much as you can, support the craft of other influencers, collaborate, and partner with other influencers. 

Attend events relevant to your niche and network. Talk about what you do as often as possible and just enjoy being you.


5. Sign up: If you are looking to take your influencer work seriously, then you have to sign up on the Bookings Africa Platform as an influencer

Ensure that you set up your profile properly and set comparative prices. This will help your visibility and help you make more money.

Becoming a Bookings Africa influencer is a great way to grow in your career but you need to have something going for you. You can become a Digital Influencer on Bookings Africa by registering on the website or filling out this form.