8 Dec, 2022 | Guides

How to make use of Service providers during the festive period 

  The holidays are here again, and like every other holiday, there will be loads of events to attend. But the exciting news is Bookings Africa has got you covered in many ways than one. If you are familiar with the talents on the Bookings Africa platform, now is the time to learn how to utilise their abilities best.  We highlighted five tips for getting the most out of service providers during the holidays.
  • Become a certified client on the Bookings Africa platform 
The first step to getting the services of top-class talents on Bookings Africa is to register as a client. If you don’t know how to go about it, read our article here. Once you are certified, download the bookings Africa app and book your preferred service. 
  • List the services you will be needing. 
Bookings Africa has over 46,000 service providers ready for booking; this gives you room to book several services. As a result, the best strategy is to list the services you need even before you need them and plan towards them. If you need photographers for your event, write the number of photographers required. Apply this method to every other service you desire during this festive period. 
  • Create a budget for your expenses 
You must create a budget and stick to it. Booking service providers on Bookings Africa make it easy to stick to your budget as pricing is very transparent. All you need to do is search for talent, compare prices and services within the budget and book the best suited. With Bookings Africa, you get quality service without breaking the bank. 
  • Plan your booking
During the holidays, service providers are usually in high demand. Plan your bookings for the whole season ahead of time to avoid disappointments. With your budget and the list of services you have curated, you can book talents now, saving you the stress of sourcing for talent during rush hour. 
  • Enjoy your holidays 
While it is essential to plan when booking the best service providers for a memorable holiday, you should also remember to have fun. When your vacation is well-planned, you can relax and enjoy yourself. The holidays are already here! Start making plans that will make this period an unforgettable one.  We wish you a beautiful holiday season. Happy booking!