25 May, 2022 | All Guides

How to Conduct Yourself During Service Delivery


Congratulations, you have finally gotten booked! But before you go to deliver your service either physically or virtually, there are some service delivery checklists to consider. Every freelancer needs to get familiar with the dos and don'ts of service delivery if they want to retain any clients. Some of these tips are common but emphasizing them again will guide you to delivering what the client needs and getting booked again. Ready or not to dive in? Let's go!

  1. Timeliness

If a client requests a mobile beauty therapist and explicitly uses the locator map on the Bookings Africa app to get someone close by, they only want the service provider quickly. If you are available and finally get booked, the first thing that should be on your mind is creating a first impression involving timeliness. Some situations might delay you a bit, especially in Lagos, Nigeria, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't make an extra effort to show up on time. If you have to take Uber to make it faster, invest in that because getting there on time is a priority. Note that it is best not to accept a booking if you can't get there in good time.

  1. Friendliness

Even if you deliver the service virtually, let the client feel warmth in your tone; determine to stay friendly throughout the service and keep out distractions that might want to change your mood. If you are unsure of what the client wants, read our blog post that answers how to give the best customer service to your clients. Also, when delivering physical services to your client, start with a smile and end the service delivery with a smile always.

  1. Respect

Every freelancer should aim at making their client feel respected, not only providing services. For instance, if you go to a groceries shop and the attendant rudely asks for your card or starts shouting at you for taking time to drop off your goods. How would you feel? The point is when they meet your needs by receiving payments, you also indirectly expect them to show a level of respect. That act alone can make you choose another store the next time. This is the same understanding every service provider must have before providing service. Give your best at all times.

  1. Be clear

To maintain clarity during discussions, it is imperative you communicate with your client especially if you are going to be a little late for your appointment. Also, let your clients know how you will deliver the job. For instance, as a voice-over artist, you can get the project done without leaving your apartment or go to the client's studio, as it is a flexible delivery option. If you only do home service, let your client be aware and if it is the other way round, still duly inform your client.

  1. Set a Standard, don’t over-promise but over-deliver 

Most freelancers make a mistake when they go for service delivery because they commit too much and deliver less. If you set a deadline for a client, you should be more than able to deliver at the stipulated time and not plan to ask for an extended time. If you have agreed on a time of meeting, you can exceed the client’s expectation to go before time. As a chef, you can overdeliver by making an extra plate which wasn’t expected before. Also, photographers can decide to snap more than the proposed number of pictures to give the clients varieties. The list goes on and on for other service providers to over-deliver when delivering service. If this is not a sure-fire way of retaining your client, I don’t know what is.

Here you go- the five service delivery tips you need to know as a freelancer. If you have other things on your checklist you want to share, feel free to drop them in the comment section. Nevertheless, don't neglect any of these five if you want to get booked consistently.