29 Apr, 2022 | All Guides

How to Attract More Clients for Your Business and Make More Money

There's no debate that the freelance industry is highly profitable and almost everyone is asking, "How do I make more money online?"

There are several ways to make money online these days but for the purpose of this article, we will focus on freelancing as a source of income. It's exciting to see the projections in the Gig industry and there are several ways you can partake in this growth. Before we proceed, you must understand what qualities clients look out for when choosing a freelancer to work with. 

How to earn from home

1. Become a Freelancer: One of the best ways to earn extra income right now is by freelancing. Becoming a freelancer is relatively easy. If you are still wondering why you should become one, you should read this.

Bookings Africa is one of Africa’s finest gig markets; created by Africans for the betterment of Africa. After you sign up, follow the steps below to begin your journey of earning from home.

2. Set up a professional booking page: In the online space, there are lots of distinguishing factors and presentation is one of them. Potential clients will sieve through your appearance i.e. your profile before they take a look at your offer (price).

Always put your best foot forward when setting up an online profile and by best foot, we mean to get all the professional help you can. You might want to hire a professional photographer to help out with your display picture. You need a clean and crisp image with all your facial features displayed clearly. 

In addition to a great headshot, you also need a great bio. Your bio should immediately tell us what you are about. A great bio should contain your name, your role as a service provider, and your biggest aspirations. 

Fun fact: You can also include a quirky fact about you that will help your target clients easily relate to your personality.

3. Create an inviting offer: Your offer is the unique selling point that distinguishes you from freelancers offering the same services as you. 

To set up an offer, you'll need to ask the following questions:

i. What can I do effortlessly? Can I sell it as a service?

ii. Who will I sell this service to?

iii. At what price will I sell this service? What are my competitors offering?

Based on your expertise and brand, your offer will differ from other service providers. Ensure that you do not charge lower than your worth just because you want to get clients but set competitive prices that make your offer attractive to your target clients. 

In setting an offer, it is also important to package your services in a bundle. A make-up artist should not only offer make-up as the only service. You can include complementary or other services such as gele-tying. This way, you can charge higher and your clients will be happy to pay because you are saving them the cost of hiring more than one service provider. Likewise, a French Tutor can offer tutoring services and sell French materials that will aid learning. Whatever the offer you create, ensure that your clients will be happy to book your services. How you do that is up to you and your creativity. A great offer helps you to make money from home.

4. Excellent customer service: Clients love to be treated like royalty even if they aren’t.  As a service provider, it is your responsibility to assure your clients of first-class treatment regardless of the nature of your offer. 

From inception, always remember to speak politely, be honest about what you can do, and be your authentic self. You might not always like all the things your clients do or demand but you can learn to manage client expectations by being clear about what you offer and then taking your clients through an onboarding session. 

Always endeavor to keep your clients at ease and satisfied. Excellent customer service always brings about referrals and great reviews/ratings. 

At the end of every service, ask for a review.

5. Import clients: Before setting up your gig account, you might have had a few customers. If you do, inform them that they can only book you through your Bookings Africa page. This way, you add credibility to your sales page and you have access to analytics of how your freelance business is doing. 

Furthermore, importing these clients will give your freelancing a professional touch. To make the import stress free, you can offer to set up their customer profile on the Bookings Africa platform and also offer discounts to clients who book you through bookingsafrica.com. 

The use of referral codes will further boost your sales online. This is one sure way to make money online.

6. Broadcast: Do not sit on your hands waiting for clients to search you out. Be proactive. Post your business on your social pages, and tell your friends and family about what you do too. At events, network by informing people about how your freelance services can ease stress in their life. 

No matter what you do, never be silent about your work.

The Gig industry is gradually becoming saturated but that’s not a reason not to join this winning team. It has however become your responsibility to position your services in an attractive way potential clients cannot resist.

Working from home is very profitable. Play your cards right and you'll earn more while doing less.