1 Jun, 2022 | All Guides
Now and again, a client or service provider has to cancel a booking due to personal reasons or unforeseen circumstances. Cancellations suck but there’s always a solution to these and that’s what we will show in this article.
How to Cancel Booking as a Client
Amanda booked a makeup artiste on BookingsAfrica.com. She and the make-up artiste have discussed and finalized plans, looks, and meeting points but something comes up on Amanda’s end and she has to cancel the booking.
Here’s how Amanda should go about the cancellation
We would suggest that before this cancellation, you have a chat with the service provider but this isn’t a critical step.
However, you must also know that our cancellation policy protects all users and as such, if any client cancels a booking less than 48 hours before the time of completion, we charge a penalty fee to that client. The client is obliged to pay 50% of the agreed Service Provider’s rate.
This penalty charge is our way of ensuring that there is a fair treatment to any user on the platform be it, a client or service provider. This is just one of the benefits of using Bookings Africa.
To know how to cancel a booking as a service provider in case of unforeseen circumstances, read here.