19 May, 2022 | All Guides Products and Features

Benefits of Using Bookings Africa

Few things in life have RELIEF written all over them like taking your wig off or taking off your shoes after a long day of work. Using Bookings Africa has that very same effect. I mean can you beat having to get organized, get booked, and get paid all in one place?

And that’s not all, there’s more. 

The features of the Booking Africa platform are tailored to the freelancer’s everyday, work-life needs. It helps freelancers with their promptness and professionalism towards their clients and it also ensures that the freelancers have a well-rounded online profile. The Bookings Africa App is even more fitting as it is very on-the-go in terms of ease.

Frankly speaking, everyone should sign up as a freelancer on Bookings Africa. 

Need more convincing, check out these benefits:

Professional Profile: Optimum professionalism is guaranteed when using BA (Bookings Africa). The registration process for both clients and service providers is very easy to navigate. You can upload your portfolio, pictures, and videos thereby increasing your versatility and credibility. Here’s an article where we share how to upload your portfolio.

Guaranteed Payment: Our wallet tab shows you where to find payment transactions. The Escrow wallet shows you where your money is stored before a booking is completed and then the available wallet shows payment after a booking is completed. With this, you are assured of your payment and you can track your finances. The whole process of transfer is also automated so yeah, big win for us the non-techies.

Upload work portfolio: No need for any external links. All information about you and your freelance gigs is all in one place. You can upload your portfolio right there on the app.

Social media Promotion: After properly uploading your profile, you are provided with a unique link that you can share on all social media platforms. This link can help you get more bookings. And if you want to go the extra mile, you can run sponsored Ads on your services and convert your special link to a landing page for all leads. Cool right?

Access to a Client Demand: We want our freelancers to be as professional as possible and so we went ahead to create an app for you. Via the Bookings Africa App, you get notified as soon as a client books you. You also get access to all your scheduled appointments. The features of this app set a freelancer up for success. 

Note: If a booking is not confirmed within an hour, Bookings Africa automatically declines on behalf of the service provider/freelancer. So we encourage you to download the app on Android or iOS.

Ability to Set price rates and availability: You can set competitive prices and your available time on the Bookings Africa site or app. You can choose to earn a fixed price or charge per hour, you can also decide to work on Sundays if it is your cup of tea.  The site embraces any availability you set, allowing you time for personal things. The best part has to be that the setting is haggle-free. No frustrating back and forth. Whew!

Penalty charged to clients for late cancelations: We protect the interest of all users. As such, if any client cancels a booking less than 48 hours before the time of completion, we charge a penalty fee. The client is obliged to pay 50% of the agreed Service Provider’s rate. Service providers need to not worry about the intricacies because we resolve the challenges. However, if you experience any challenges, contact us

Track sales, growth, and credit history:  Joseph Assah, a Bookings Africa service provider, spoke about the tracking benefits of using the app. You should be able to track if you are advancing in your freelancer career in terms of sales, ratings, reviews, and income. 

The Bookings Africa app gives you access to all these analytics without you paying a dime. The Gig Industry is growing so rapidly, join the train today!